


“fuori portata“ - Konzert Orchester Accento musicale Zürich

“fuori portata“ - Konzert Orchester Accento musicale Zürich Kirche St. Peter, St. Peterhofstatt 1, 8001 Zürich Tickets

Credits: Marco Cristuzzi

Kirche St. Peter, Zürich (CH)

Mit "fuori portata" erwartet Sie am 02.Juni 2024 um 17:00 Uhr in der Kirche St. Peter Zürich folgendes Programm: 

Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart | Ouvertüre zur Oper Idomeneo

Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart | Konzert für Klarinette und Orchester in A-Dur KV 622 

Johannes Brahms | Sinfonie Nr. 2 in D-Dur op. 73

Thomas Kocher | Klarinette

Accento Musicale Zürich | Christof Brunner


unser weiteres Konzert findet am 01.Juni 2024 um 19:30 Uhr in der Pauluskirche statt. 

The event starts in
0 Days
17 h
22 min
36 s

Event organiser

Accento Musicale Zürich


Sale ends on Sunday, 02.06.2024 19:30


CHF 30.00

Lernende, Studierende

CHF 20.00

Prices incl. taxes

Total: XX.XX CHF
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Tickets are also available at our Box offices.

Box offices

Unfortunately, no advance box offices are activated

Unfortunately, the organizer has not activated any of our external advance box offices for this event. Contact the organizer to ask whether there is another way to get tickets.

Total: XX.XX CHF

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Please select tickets from a ticket category first
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Kirche St. Peter, St. Peterhofstatt 1, Zürich, CH

Event organiser

“fuori portata“ - Konzert Orchester Accento musicale Zürich is organised by:

Accento Musicale Zürich