


Flow Art Workshop

Flow Art Workshop Impact Hub Basel, Horburgstrasse 105, 4057 Basel Billets

Credits: Flow-IDG

Impact Hub Basel, Basel (CH)

Be mindful and ignite your creativity!

Join our Swiss IDG Community during Art Basel Weekend for an unparalleled journey to ignite creativity and collaboration through the medium of art. In partnership with Xuan Dung Burckhardt, IDG Switzerland is pleased to offer a transformative experience.

Engage in a 3-hour exploration to experience the impact of self in a complex reality where we can influence but not completely control the outcome of the collective art expression.

The journey unfolds in 6 sections:

  1. Presence: Dive deep into ourselves through meditation and visualisation.

  2. Relating: Broaden perspectives through conversation and connection, allowing for a zoom-out effect.

  3. Ideation: A sustainability topic will be chosen, and you will brainstorm and decide on the composition in groups.

  4. Co-Creation: Engage in collaborative art-making, doing what the team believes in.

  5. Reflection: Reflect on experiences to uncover valuable insights and key learnings for both individual and group growth.

  6. Learning: Collectively, you harness insights to amplify immediate impact and celebrate shared successes. Moreover, you're encouraged to reflect on experiences, extracting key learning and insights. This ensures continuous deepening of understanding



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Be mindful and ignite your creativity!

Join our Swiss IDG Community during Art Basel Weekend for an unparalleled journey to ignite creativity and collaboration through the medium of art. In partnership with Xuan Dung Burckhardt, IDG Switzerland is pleased to offer a transformative experience.

Engage in a 3-hour exploration to experience the impact of self in a complex reality where we can influence but not completely control the outcome of the collective art expression.

The journey unfolds in 6 sections:

  1. Presence: Dive deep into ourselves through meditation and visualisation.

  2. Relating: Broaden perspectives through conversation and connection, allowing for a zoom-out effect.

  3. Ideation: A sustainability topic will be chosen, and you will brainstorm and decide on the composition in groups.

  4. Co-Creation: Engage in collaborative art-making, doing what the team believes in.

  5. Reflection: Reflect on experiences to uncover valuable insights and key learnings for both individual and group growth.

  6. Learning: Collectively, you harness insights to amplify immediate impact and celebrate shared successes. Moreover, you're encouraged to reflect on experiences, extracting key learning and insights. This ensures continuous deepening of understanding

The workshop will be facilitated by:

  • Xuan Dung Burckhardt is a seasoned professional with over 20 years of dedicated experience in the People function. Known for her unwavering commitment to a people-centric approach, Dung has emerged as a distinguished People leader and trusted sparring partner. Beyond her professional endeavors, Dung is also an accomplished artist, channeling her creativity into vibrant expressions of flow and movement through action painting. It is this unique blend of expertise in people management and artistic flair that has inspired her to create FLOW, an art-based team effectiveness.

  • Mauricio Campos Suarez is the Co-Founder of IDG Switzerland. He specialises in catalysing external and internal transformation for individuals and organizations. In his more than 20 years of executive corporate experience, he has worked across 40+ countries and led large diverse teams globally distributed within highly complex organisations spanning various countries and continents. He has a multi-faceted background as an Engineer, Executive MBA (IE), ICF & EMCC Certified Professional & Senior Team Coach, Mindfulness & Yoga instructor, and hobby painter.

Financial Contribution: We ask all participants for a financial contribution that helps us cover the basic expenses. For those who have already participated in Swiss IDG Hub events, we recommend CHF 75, and for new participants, CHF 95.

No previous painting or mindfulness experience required – All material will be provided – Minimum 8 and maximum 24 participants.

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L'événement est terminé


Organisateur de Flow Art Workshop

Verein Impact Hub Basel


La vente de billets en ligne est terminée le 15.06.2024 18:00.

Flow - New members

CHF 95.00

Flow - Swiss IDG + IHBS members

CHF 75.00

Les prix incluent la TVA

Total: XX.XX CHF

La vente de billets en ligne a été interrompue.
Contacter l'organisateur

Total: XX.XX CHF



Impact Hub Basel, Horburgstrasse 105, Basel, CH


Flow Art Workshop est organisé par:

Verein Impact Hub Basel