


Action 100 Launch - a fundraising event for Action for Women

Action 100 Launch - a fundraising event for Action for Women FRAME, Lagerstrasse 104, 8004 Zürich Tickets

Credits: Action for Women

FRAME, Zürich (CH)

On June 4th we are hosting an event to launch Action100, raise awareness and most importantly to raise funds for Action for Women. 

Event schedule:

18h - Welcome
18h30 - Documentary screening and Q&A
19h15 - Apéro

Price of admission is 49CHF and 100% of the proceeds will go directly to supporting Action for Women.

Action For Women is a swiss NGO that gives shelter to women refugees who arrive in Athens, Greece and offers them the support they need to start a new life in safety. They offer medical & psychological support, legal aid to help navigate the process of getting a visa, Greek lessons to set them up for finding work, childcare and most importantly safety. On average, 80% of women who arrive at the Project find work and their own accommodation within 9 months.

In 2024 the Action100 committee was formed in Zürich to help raise awareness and funds for Action for Women. Our goal is to create a community of 100+ donors giving on average 100CHF a month to support this incredibly important cause. 

A huge thank you to our sponsors:

Frame Cinema -  Location

SO Catering - Food

Swiss Kombucha Company - Drinks

Kassie Borreson  - Photography

WEKLICK - Videography and social media coverage

Womenbiz - promotion

Event ist beendet


Veranstalter:in von Action 100 Launch - a fundraising event for Action for Women

Action for Women


Der Online-Ticketverkauf ist seit dem 04.06.2024 20:30 beendet.


CHF 49.00

Preise inkl. Steuern

Total: XX.XX CHF

Der Online-Ticketverkauf wurde pausiert.
Veranstalter:in kontaktieren

Total: XX.XX CHF



FRAME, Lagerstrasse 104, Zürich, CH

Links zum Event


Action 100 Launch - a fundraising event for Action for Women wird organisiert durch:

Action for Women

Kategorie: Diverses