


Bourbon Myths

Bourbon Myths Restaurant Rössli, Webereistrasse 49, 8134 Adliswil Billets
Restaurant Rössli, Adliswil (CH)
ABOUT BOURBON MYTHS A stylistically unique Blues Rock Band from day one, the members of Bourbon Myths have been singing, performing, and playing in sync as if they’d been together their entire musical careers. Throughout the course of the group’s collaboration, they have won over the hearts of music lovers from all walks of life and across genres. While performing at a variety of venues and making countless public appearances, their captivating, high-energy concerts have earned them an ever-growing fan base.
L'événement commence dans
5 jours
5 hrs
30 min
50 sec

Total: XX.XX CHF



Restaurant Rössli, Webereistrasse 49, Adliswil, CH

Liens vers l'événement

Catégorie: Concert / Pop & Rock