


Breathing Circle and Brunch

Breathing Circle and Brunch Kannenfeldpark, Igesaal, Burgfelderstrasse, 4056 Basel Tickets

Credits: Breathing Circle

Kannenfeldpark, Igesaal, Basel (CH)

Octoevents is overjoyed to present a workshop with  Breathing Trainer Burcu Γ–zer Katmer. Join the Breathing Circle for a rejuvenating morning with Breathing Meditations and Breathing Techniques for everyday use. Join us for a rejuvenating morning with workshop and a brunch at Kannenfeldpark!

πŸ—“οΈ Date: 28 June 24

πŸ•’ Time: 10:30- 13:00

🏠 Location: Kannenfeldpark (Igelsaal Kannenfeldpark- the building nearest to the rose garden)

🎟️ Tickets: 55 CHF per person (includes materials, brunch and refreshments)

 No prior experience required.

πŸ’†β™€οΈ Teacher: Burcu Ozer Katmer

Workshop Language: English 


What to expect from the workshop is as follows:

  • Welcome drink and introductions
  • Brunch ( please email Octoevent if you have any allergies) 
  • Workshop:
  • Relearning How to Breathe Properly- Discover the fundamentals of breath and its profound impact on your body and mind.
  • Breathing Techniques for Self-Regulation - Learn powerful techniques to manage stress, improve focus, and foster calm.
  • Breathing Meditation- Immerse yourself in guided meditation to connect deeply with your breath and inner peace.
  • Take home the knowledge  of using this powerful tool for everyday stresses


What to Bring:



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Octoevents is overjoyed to present a workshop with  Breathing Trainer Burcu Γ–zer Katmer. Join the Breathing Circle for a rejuvenating morning with Breathing Meditations and Breathing Techniques for everyday use. Join us for a rejuvenating morning with workshop and a brunch at Kannenfeldpark!

πŸ—“οΈ Date: 28 June 24

πŸ•’ Time: 10:30- 13:00

🏠 Location: Kannenfeldpark (Igelsaal Kannenfeldpark- the building nearest to the rose garden)

🎟️ Tickets: 55 CHF per person (includes materials, brunch and refreshments)

 No prior experience required.

πŸ’†β™€οΈ Teacher: Burcu Ozer Katmer

Workshop Language: English 


What to expect from the workshop is as follows:

  • Welcome drink and introductions
  • Brunch ( please email Octoevent if you have any allergies) 
  • Workshop:
  • Relearning How to Breathe Properly- Discover the fundamentals of breath and its profound impact on your body and mind.
  • Breathing Techniques for Self-Regulation - Learn powerful techniques to manage stress, improve focus, and foster calm.
  • Breathing Meditation- Immerse yourself in guided meditation to connect deeply with your breath and inner peace.
  • Take home the knowledge  of using this powerful tool for everyday stresses


What to Bring:

- Comfortable clothing

- An open mind

This event is perfect for all levels, whether you're new to meditation or looking to deepen your practice. Connect with like-minded individuals, nourish your body with a wholesome brunch, and leave feeling balanced and refreshed.

Unfortunately spaces are limited! So register now! 

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The event starts in
0 Days
8 h
3 min
9 s

Event organiser

Event organiser of Breathing Circle and Brunch

Octo Event


Sale ends on Friday, 28.06.2024 13:00


CHF 55.00

Prices incl. taxes

Total: XX.XX CHF
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Tickets are also available at our Box offices.

Box offices

Tickets for this event can be found at the following box offices:

Swiss Post



Tourism Rheinfelden

TourismusRegion Baden

Total: XX.XX CHF

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Kannenfeldpark, Igesaal, Burgfelderstrasse, Basel, CH

Event links

Event organiser

Breathing Circle and Brunch is organised by:

Octo Event