


Oort Cloud

Oort Cloud Cuadro 22, Ringstrasse 22, 7000 Chur Billets
Cuadro 22, Chur (CH)
OORT CLOUD escaped from a parallel universe: They came to us through a black hole, playing dense music that is nevertheless of a rare clarity. The constant alternation of the guitarist's timbre is just a logical conclusion of the ever-changing molecular structure; the halting, linear rhythms of bass and drums are the consequence a constantly expanding universe. Weightlessness and emptiness are self-evident in their galaxy; improvising, the band plunges further into the next cosmos. / / / / OORT CLOUD experiments at the edge between new music, noise, rock and improvisation OORT CLOUD released their debut album "The Impossibility Of Simultaneousness" in March 2021 and was a finalist of the ZKB Jazz Prize in 2021. 2022 they released a drone album to kick-of their new concert series un:OORT, as well as a 4 Video EP directed by Ludmilla Mercier.   "Oort Clouds untersuchende Wahrnehmung des Raumes: Schwerelose Weite, Objekte, Zeitzustände, Anomalien, Interferenzen, Lichtfeuer, manipulierte Gravitation, aufblitzende schwarze Löcher, Intuition, und vor allem - tiefes Leben." - Ronny Graupe
L'événement est terminé

Total: XX.XX CHF



Cuadro 22, Ringstrasse 22, Chur, CH

Catégorie: Concert