

13.9. - 15.9.

CCSG Homecoming Weekend 2024

CCSG Homecoming Weekend 2024 Galluszentrum Wildhaus, Hauptstrasse 106, 9658 Wildhaus-Alt Sankt Johann Billets

Credits: in-house design

Galluszentrum Wildhaus, Wildhaus-Alt Sankt Johann (CH)

No matter where you are in the world, there is one event for which all St. Gallen CEMSies make their pilgrimage back to the promised land (also known as Ostschweiz)...

Homecoming weekend is here to reunite old and new cohorts, bringing together the fantastic members of CCSG to relive epic memories and create new adventures. The CEMS fire still blazes brightly - while the Olympic flame might flicker out, our CEMS spirit never fades.

Whether you're burning the midnight oil in consulting, wrestling with your thesis, or jet-setting around our amazing world, you're still a loud and proud CEMSie at heart.

Let's revisit the glory days and celebrate! On 13th of September, we are all coming home. Get your ticket now.


IMPORTANT DISCLAIMER: You must have signed up on the official form to be eligible to purchase this ticket. If you are not on the guest list, your ticket will be cancelled and you will be refunded the ticket amount minus the cancellation fee.

L'événement est en cours.


Organisateur de CCSG Homecoming Weekend 2024

CEMS Club St. Gallen


La vente de billets en ligne est terminée le 09.09.2024 23:59.

Night Friday - Saturday

CHF 38.00

Night Saturday - Sunday

CHF 38.00

Les prix incluent la TVA

Total: XX.XX CHF

La vente de billets en ligne a été interrompue.
Contacter l'organisateur

Total: XX.XX CHF



Galluszentrum Wildhaus, Hauptstrasse 106, Wildhaus-Alt Sankt Johann, CH


CCSG Homecoming Weekend 2024 est organisé par:

CEMS Club St. Gallen

Catégorie: Divers