


Voices for Palestine

Voices for Palestine Kulturhaus Helferei, Kichrgasse 13, 8001 Zürich Billets

Credits: Palestine Solidarity Switzerland

Kulturhaus Helferei, Zürich (CH)

Voices for Palestine: Panel Discussion and Q&A

Date: Friday 21 June.
Time: 6:00 PM - 7:00 PM (Panel Discussion)
Followed by: Live Q&A and Aperitivo


  • Ghassan Abu Sittah: British-Palestinian plastic and reconstructive surgeon, known for his medical assistance with Doctors Without Borders in Gaza.

  • Fabian Molina: Swiss politician and member of the National Council for the Social Democratic Party.

  • Rania Madi: Senior Advocacy Adviser at Badil Resource Center for Palestinian Residency and Refugee Rights, with extensive experience in international law and human rights.

Discussion Theme:

How we can move forward as a civil society, as Switzerland, and as an international community to support justice and peace for Palestine. What is needed in humanitarian, legal, and political terms to take the right steps forward?


Organisateur de Voices for Palestine

Palestine Solidarity Switzerland



Kulturhaus Helferei, Kichrgasse 13, Zürich, CH

Liens vers l'événement


Voices for Palestine est organisé par:

Palestine Solidarity Switzerland