How do I remove a payment method?

If you want to delete your saved payment methods at Eventfrog, simply follow these steps:

Step 1: Open the Settings

  1. Log in to your Eventfrog account.
  2. Click on your profile in the top-right corner (e.g., your name or email address).
  3. From the dropdown menu, select «Settings».

Step 2: Select the «My Data» Section

  1. On the left-hand menu, you will see different sections of your account.
  2. Click on «My Data» to access your personal details.

Step 3: Remove a Payment Method

  1. Scroll down to the section labelled «My Payment Options».
  2. Here, you’ll see all the payment methods currently linked to your account (e.g., Visa or Mastercard).
  3. Click on the «Delete» button below the payment method you wish to remove.
  4. Confirm the action if prompted by a security message.


  • You can re-add deleted payment methods at any time if needed.
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