

02.12. - 10.05.

Nature Never Loses

Nature Never Loses Museum Tinguely Tickets
Start: Different times
Museum Tinguely, Basel (CH)

Nature Never Loses umfasst sechs Jahrzehnte des zukunftsweisenden, die Genres sprengenden Werks des Künstlers Carl Cheng (*1942, San Francisco; lebt und arbeitet in Santa Monica). Nach seinem Studium der bildenden Kunst und des Industriedesigns entwickelte Cheng seine künstlerische Praxis erstmals in den 1960er Jahren in Südkalifornien, inmitten politischer Unruhen, einer interdisziplinären Kunstszene, einer boomenden Luft- und Raumfahrtindustrie der Nachkriegszeit und einer rasanten Veränderung der Landschaft. Sein sich ständig weiterentwickelndes Werk, das eine Vielzahl von Materialien und Medien umfasst, setzt sich mit Umweltveränderungen, der Bedeutung von Kunstinstitutionen für ihr Publikum und der Rolle der Technologie in der Gesellschaft auseinander – Themen von dringender Aktualität.

Die Ausstellung wird organisiert von Alex Klein, Head Curator & Director of Curatorial Affairs, The Contemporary Austin, in Zusammenarbeit mit dem Institute of Contemporary Art, University of Pennsylvania, Bonnefanten, Maastricht und Museum Tinguely, Basel.

3. Dezember 2025 – 10. Mai 2026

Name Date / time Location
Nature Never Loses ${singleEventLocation} Tickets Nature Never Loses Tuesday, 02.12.2025, 18:30 Museum Tinguely, 4002 Basel, CH Infomation
Nature Never Loses ${singleEventLocation} Tickets Nature Never Loses Wednesday, 03.12.2025, 11:00 Museum Tinguely, 4002 Basel, CH Infomation
Nature Never Loses ${singleEventLocation} Tickets Nature Never Loses Thursday, 04.12.2025, 11:00 Museum Tinguely, 4002 Basel, CH Infomation
Nature Never Loses ${singleEventLocation} Tickets Nature Never Loses Friday, 05.12.2025, 11:00 Museum Tinguely, 4002 Basel, CH Infomation
Nature Never Loses ${singleEventLocation} Tickets Nature Never Loses Saturday, 06.12.2025, 11:00 Museum Tinguely, 4002 Basel, CH Infomation
Nature Never Loses ${singleEventLocation} Tickets Nature Never Loses Sunday, 07.12.2025, 11:00 Museum Tinguely, 4002 Basel, CH Infomation
Nature Never Loses ${singleEventLocation} Tickets Nature Never Loses Tuesday, 09.12.2025, 11:00 Museum Tinguely, 4002 Basel, CH Infomation
Nature Never Loses ${singleEventLocation} Tickets Nature Never Loses Wednesday, 10.12.2025, 11:00 Museum Tinguely, 4002 Basel, CH Infomation
Nature Never Loses ${singleEventLocation} Tickets Nature Never Loses Thursday, 11.12.2025, 11:00 Museum Tinguely, 4002 Basel, CH Infomation
Nature Never Loses ${singleEventLocation} Tickets Nature Never Loses Friday, 12.12.2025, 11:00 Museum Tinguely, 4002 Basel, CH Infomation
Nature Never Loses ${singleEventLocation} Tickets Nature Never Loses Saturday, 13.12.2025, 11:00 Museum Tinguely, 4002 Basel, CH Infomation
Nature Never Loses ${singleEventLocation} Tickets Nature Never Loses Sunday, 14.12.2025, 11:00 Museum Tinguely, 4002 Basel, CH Infomation
Nature Never Loses ${singleEventLocation} Tickets Nature Never Loses Tuesday, 16.12.2025, 11:00 Museum Tinguely, 4002 Basel, CH Infomation
Nature Never Loses ${singleEventLocation} Tickets Nature Never Loses Wednesday, 17.12.2025, 11:00 Museum Tinguely, 4002 Basel, CH Infomation
Nature Never Loses ${singleEventLocation} Tickets Nature Never Loses Thursday, 18.12.2025, 11:00 Museum Tinguely, 4002 Basel, CH Infomation
Nature Never Loses ${singleEventLocation} Tickets Nature Never Loses Friday, 19.12.2025, 11:00 Museum Tinguely, 4002 Basel, CH Infomation
Nature Never Loses ${singleEventLocation} Tickets Nature Never Loses Saturday, 20.12.2025, 11:00 Museum Tinguely, 4002 Basel, CH Infomation
Nature Never Loses ${singleEventLocation} Tickets Nature Never Loses Sunday, 21.12.2025, 11:00 Museum Tinguely, 4002 Basel, CH Infomation
Nature Never Loses ${singleEventLocation} Tickets Nature Never Loses Tuesday, 23.12.2025, 11:00 Museum Tinguely, 4002 Basel, CH Infomation
Nature Never Loses ${singleEventLocation} Tickets Nature Never Loses Wednesday, 24.12.2025, 11:00 Museum Tinguely, 4002 Basel, CH Infomation
Nature Never Loses ${singleEventLocation} Tickets Nature Never Loses Friday, 26.12.2025, 11:00 Museum Tinguely, 4002 Basel, CH Infomation
Nature Never Loses ${singleEventLocation} Tickets Nature Never Loses Saturday, 27.12.2025, 11:00 Museum Tinguely, 4002 Basel, CH Infomation
Nature Never Loses ${singleEventLocation} Tickets Nature Never Loses Sunday, 28.12.2025, 11:00 Museum Tinguely, 4002 Basel, CH Infomation
Nature Never Loses ${singleEventLocation} Tickets Nature Never Loses Tuesday, 30.12.2025, 11:00 Museum Tinguely, 4002 Basel, CH Infomation
Nature Never Loses ${singleEventLocation} Tickets Nature Never Loses Wednesday, 31.12.2025, 11:00 Museum Tinguely, 4002 Basel, CH Infomation
Nature Never Loses ${singleEventLocation} Tickets Nature Never Loses Thursday, 01.01.2026, 11:00 Museum Tinguely, 4002 Basel, CH Infomation
Nature Never Loses ${singleEventLocation} Tickets Nature Never Loses Friday, 02.01.2026, 11:00 Museum Tinguely, 4002 Basel, CH Infomation
Nature Never Loses ${singleEventLocation} Tickets Nature Never Loses Saturday, 03.01.2026, 11:00 Museum Tinguely, 4002 Basel, CH Infomation
Nature Never Loses ${singleEventLocation} Tickets Nature Never Loses Sunday, 04.01.2026, 11:00 Museum Tinguely, 4002 Basel, CH Infomation
Nature Never Loses ${singleEventLocation} Tickets Nature Never Loses Tuesday, 06.01.2026, 11:00 Museum Tinguely, 4002 Basel, CH Infomation
Nature Never Loses ${singleEventLocation} Tickets Nature Never Loses Wednesday, 07.01.2026, 11:00 Museum Tinguely, 4002 Basel, CH Infomation
Nature Never Loses ${singleEventLocation} Tickets Nature Never Loses Thursday, 08.01.2026, 11:00 Museum Tinguely, 4002 Basel, CH Infomation
Nature Never Loses ${singleEventLocation} Tickets Nature Never Loses Friday, 09.01.2026, 11:00 Museum Tinguely, 4002 Basel, CH Infomation
Nature Never Loses ${singleEventLocation} Tickets Nature Never Loses Saturday, 10.01.2026, 11:00 Museum Tinguely, 4002 Basel, CH Infomation
Nature Never Loses ${singleEventLocation} Tickets Nature Never Loses Sunday, 11.01.2026, 11:00 Museum Tinguely, 4002 Basel, CH Infomation
Nature Never Loses ${singleEventLocation} Tickets Nature Never Loses Tuesday, 13.01.2026, 11:00 Museum Tinguely, 4002 Basel, CH Infomation
Nature Never Loses ${singleEventLocation} Tickets Nature Never Loses Wednesday, 14.01.2026, 11:00 Museum Tinguely, 4002 Basel, CH Infomation
Nature Never Loses ${singleEventLocation} Tickets Nature Never Loses Thursday, 15.01.2026, 11:00 Museum Tinguely, 4002 Basel, CH Infomation
Nature Never Loses ${singleEventLocation} Tickets Nature Never Loses Friday, 16.01.2026, 11:00 Museum Tinguely, 4002 Basel, CH Infomation
Nature Never Loses ${singleEventLocation} Tickets Nature Never Loses Saturday, 17.01.2026, 11:00 Museum Tinguely, 4002 Basel, CH Infomation
Nature Never Loses ${singleEventLocation} Tickets Nature Never Loses Sunday, 18.01.2026, 11:00 Museum Tinguely, 4002 Basel, CH Infomation
Nature Never Loses ${singleEventLocation} Tickets Nature Never Loses Tuesday, 20.01.2026, 11:00 Museum Tinguely, 4002 Basel, CH Infomation
Nature Never Loses ${singleEventLocation} Tickets Nature Never Loses Wednesday, 21.01.2026, 11:00 Museum Tinguely, 4002 Basel, CH Infomation
Nature Never Loses ${singleEventLocation} Tickets Nature Never Loses Thursday, 22.01.2026, 11:00 Museum Tinguely, 4002 Basel, CH Infomation
Nature Never Loses ${singleEventLocation} Tickets Nature Never Loses Friday, 23.01.2026, 11:00 Museum Tinguely, 4002 Basel, CH Infomation
Nature Never Loses ${singleEventLocation} Tickets Nature Never Loses Saturday, 24.01.2026, 11:00 Museum Tinguely, 4002 Basel, CH Infomation
Nature Never Loses ${singleEventLocation} Tickets Nature Never Loses Sunday, 25.01.2026, 11:00 Museum Tinguely, 4002 Basel, CH Infomation
Nature Never Loses ${singleEventLocation} Tickets Nature Never Loses Tuesday, 27.01.2026, 11:00 Museum Tinguely, 4002 Basel, CH Infomation
Nature Never Loses ${singleEventLocation} Tickets Nature Never Loses Wednesday, 28.01.2026, 11:00 Museum Tinguely, 4002 Basel, CH Infomation
Nature Never Loses ${singleEventLocation} Tickets Nature Never Loses Thursday, 29.01.2026, 11:00 Museum Tinguely, 4002 Basel, CH Infomation
Nature Never Loses ${singleEventLocation} Tickets Nature Never Loses Friday, 30.01.2026, 11:00 Museum Tinguely, 4002 Basel, CH Infomation
Nature Never Loses ${singleEventLocation} Tickets Nature Never Loses Saturday, 31.01.2026, 11:00 Museum Tinguely, 4002 Basel, CH Infomation
Nature Never Loses ${singleEventLocation} Tickets Nature Never Loses Sunday, 01.02.2026, 11:00 Museum Tinguely, 4002 Basel, CH Infomation
Nature Never Loses ${singleEventLocation} Tickets Nature Never Loses Tuesday, 03.02.2026, 11:00 Museum Tinguely, 4002 Basel, CH Infomation
Nature Never Loses ${singleEventLocation} Tickets Nature Never Loses Wednesday, 04.02.2026, 11:00 Museum Tinguely, 4002 Basel, CH Infomation
Nature Never Loses ${singleEventLocation} Tickets Nature Never Loses Thursday, 05.02.2026, 11:00 Museum Tinguely, 4002 Basel, CH Infomation
Nature Never Loses ${singleEventLocation} Tickets Nature Never Loses Friday, 06.02.2026, 11:00 Museum Tinguely, 4002 Basel, CH Infomation
Nature Never Loses ${singleEventLocation} Tickets Nature Never Loses Saturday, 07.02.2026, 11:00 Museum Tinguely, 4002 Basel, CH Infomation
Nature Never Loses ${singleEventLocation} Tickets Nature Never Loses Sunday, 08.02.2026, 11:00 Museum Tinguely, 4002 Basel, CH Infomation
Nature Never Loses ${singleEventLocation} Tickets Nature Never Loses Tuesday, 10.02.2026, 11:00 Museum Tinguely, 4002 Basel, CH Infomation
Nature Never Loses ${singleEventLocation} Tickets Nature Never Loses Wednesday, 11.02.2026, 11:00 Museum Tinguely, 4002 Basel, CH Infomation
Nature Never Loses ${singleEventLocation} Tickets Nature Never Loses Thursday, 12.02.2026, 11:00 Museum Tinguely, 4002 Basel, CH Infomation
Nature Never Loses ${singleEventLocation} Tickets Nature Never Loses Friday, 13.02.2026, 11:00 Museum Tinguely, 4002 Basel, CH Infomation
Nature Never Loses ${singleEventLocation} Tickets Nature Never Loses Saturday, 14.02.2026, 11:00 Museum Tinguely, 4002 Basel, CH Infomation
Nature Never Loses ${singleEventLocation} Tickets Nature Never Loses Sunday, 15.02.2026, 11:00 Museum Tinguely, 4002 Basel, CH Infomation
Nature Never Loses ${singleEventLocation} Tickets Nature Never Loses Tuesday, 17.02.2026, 11:00 Museum Tinguely, 4002 Basel, CH Infomation
Nature Never Loses ${singleEventLocation} Tickets Nature Never Loses Wednesday, 18.02.2026, 11:00 Museum Tinguely, 4002 Basel, CH Infomation
Nature Never Loses ${singleEventLocation} Tickets Nature Never Loses Thursday, 19.02.2026, 11:00 Museum Tinguely, 4002 Basel, CH Infomation
Nature Never Loses ${singleEventLocation} Tickets Nature Never Loses Friday, 20.02.2026, 11:00 Museum Tinguely, 4002 Basel, CH Infomation
Nature Never Loses ${singleEventLocation} Tickets Nature Never Loses Saturday, 21.02.2026, 11:00 Museum Tinguely, 4002 Basel, CH Infomation
Nature Never Loses ${singleEventLocation} Tickets Nature Never Loses Sunday, 22.02.2026, 11:00 Museum Tinguely, 4002 Basel, CH Infomation
Nature Never Loses ${singleEventLocation} Tickets Nature Never Loses Tuesday, 24.02.2026, 11:00 Museum Tinguely, 4002 Basel, CH Infomation
Nature Never Loses ${singleEventLocation} Tickets Nature Never Loses Wednesday, 25.02.2026, 11:00 Museum Tinguely, 4002 Basel, CH Infomation
Nature Never Loses ${singleEventLocation} Tickets Nature Never Loses Thursday, 26.02.2026, 11:00 Museum Tinguely, 4002 Basel, CH Infomation
Nature Never Loses ${singleEventLocation} Tickets Nature Never Loses Friday, 27.02.2026, 11:00 Museum Tinguely, 4002 Basel, CH Infomation
Nature Never Loses ${singleEventLocation} Tickets Nature Never Loses Saturday, 28.02.2026, 11:00 Museum Tinguely, 4002 Basel, CH Infomation
Nature Never Loses ${singleEventLocation} Tickets Nature Never Loses Sunday, 01.03.2026, 11:00 Museum Tinguely, 4002 Basel, CH Infomation
Nature Never Loses ${singleEventLocation} Tickets Nature Never Loses Tuesday, 03.03.2026, 11:00 Museum Tinguely, 4002 Basel, CH Infomation
Nature Never Loses ${singleEventLocation} Tickets Nature Never Loses Wednesday, 04.03.2026, 11:00 Museum Tinguely, 4002 Basel, CH Infomation
Nature Never Loses ${singleEventLocation} Tickets Nature Never Loses Thursday, 05.03.2026, 11:00 Museum Tinguely, 4002 Basel, CH Infomation
Nature Never Loses ${singleEventLocation} Tickets Nature Never Loses Friday, 06.03.2026, 11:00 Museum Tinguely, 4002 Basel, CH Infomation
Nature Never Loses ${singleEventLocation} Tickets Nature Never Loses Saturday, 07.03.2026, 11:00 Museum Tinguely, 4002 Basel, CH Infomation
Nature Never Loses ${singleEventLocation} Tickets Nature Never Loses Sunday, 08.03.2026, 11:00 Museum Tinguely, 4002 Basel, CH Infomation
Nature Never Loses ${singleEventLocation} Tickets Nature Never Loses Tuesday, 10.03.2026, 11:00 Museum Tinguely, 4002 Basel, CH Infomation
Nature Never Loses ${singleEventLocation} Tickets Nature Never Loses Wednesday, 11.03.2026, 11:00 Museum Tinguely, 4002 Basel, CH Infomation
Nature Never Loses ${singleEventLocation} Tickets Nature Never Loses Thursday, 12.03.2026, 11:00 Museum Tinguely, 4002 Basel, CH Infomation
Nature Never Loses ${singleEventLocation} Tickets Nature Never Loses Friday, 13.03.2026, 11:00 Museum Tinguely, 4002 Basel, CH Infomation
Nature Never Loses ${singleEventLocation} Tickets Nature Never Loses Saturday, 14.03.2026, 11:00 Museum Tinguely, 4002 Basel, CH Infomation
Nature Never Loses ${singleEventLocation} Tickets Nature Never Loses Sunday, 15.03.2026, 11:00 Museum Tinguely, 4002 Basel, CH Infomation
Nature Never Loses ${singleEventLocation} Tickets Nature Never Loses Tuesday, 17.03.2026, 11:00 Museum Tinguely, 4002 Basel, CH Infomation
Nature Never Loses ${singleEventLocation} Tickets Nature Never Loses Wednesday, 18.03.2026, 11:00 Museum Tinguely, 4002 Basel, CH Infomation
Nature Never Loses ${singleEventLocation} Tickets Nature Never Loses Thursday, 19.03.2026, 11:00 Museum Tinguely, 4002 Basel, CH Infomation
Nature Never Loses ${singleEventLocation} Tickets Nature Never Loses Friday, 20.03.2026, 11:00 Museum Tinguely, 4002 Basel, CH Infomation
Nature Never Loses ${singleEventLocation} Tickets Nature Never Loses Saturday, 21.03.2026, 11:00 Museum Tinguely, 4002 Basel, CH Infomation
Nature Never Loses ${singleEventLocation} Tickets Nature Never Loses Sunday, 22.03.2026, 11:00 Museum Tinguely, 4002 Basel, CH Infomation
Nature Never Loses ${singleEventLocation} Tickets Nature Never Loses Tuesday, 24.03.2026, 11:00 Museum Tinguely, 4002 Basel, CH Infomation
Nature Never Loses ${singleEventLocation} Tickets Nature Never Loses Wednesday, 25.03.2026, 11:00 Museum Tinguely, 4002 Basel, CH Infomation
Nature Never Loses ${singleEventLocation} Tickets Nature Never Loses Thursday, 26.03.2026, 11:00 Museum Tinguely, 4002 Basel, CH Infomation
Nature Never Loses ${singleEventLocation} Tickets Nature Never Loses Friday, 27.03.2026, 11:00 Museum Tinguely, 4002 Basel, CH Infomation
Nature Never Loses ${singleEventLocation} Tickets Nature Never Loses Saturday, 28.03.2026, 11:00 Museum Tinguely, 4002 Basel, CH Infomation
Nature Never Loses ${singleEventLocation} Tickets Nature Never Loses Sunday, 29.03.2026, 11:00 Museum Tinguely, 4002 Basel, CH Infomation
Nature Never Loses ${singleEventLocation} Tickets Nature Never Loses Tuesday, 31.03.2026, 11:00 Museum Tinguely, 4002 Basel, CH Infomation
Nature Never Loses ${singleEventLocation} Tickets Nature Never Loses Wednesday, 01.04.2026, 11:00 Museum Tinguely, 4002 Basel, CH Infomation
Nature Never Loses ${singleEventLocation} Tickets Nature Never Loses Thursday, 02.04.2026, 11:00 Museum Tinguely, 4002 Basel, CH Infomation
Nature Never Loses ${singleEventLocation} Tickets Nature Never Loses Friday, 03.04.2026, 11:00 Museum Tinguely, 4002 Basel, CH Infomation
Nature Never Loses ${singleEventLocation} Tickets Nature Never Loses Saturday, 04.04.2026, 11:00 Museum Tinguely, 4002 Basel, CH Infomation
Nature Never Loses ${singleEventLocation} Tickets Nature Never Loses Sunday, 05.04.2026, 11:00 Museum Tinguely, 4002 Basel, CH Infomation
Nature Never Loses ${singleEventLocation} Tickets Nature Never Loses Tuesday, 07.04.2026, 11:00 Museum Tinguely, 4002 Basel, CH Infomation
Nature Never Loses ${singleEventLocation} Tickets Nature Never Loses Wednesday, 08.04.2026, 11:00 Museum Tinguely, 4002 Basel, CH Infomation
Nature Never Loses ${singleEventLocation} Tickets Nature Never Loses Thursday, 09.04.2026, 11:00 Museum Tinguely, 4002 Basel, CH Infomation
Nature Never Loses ${singleEventLocation} Tickets Nature Never Loses Friday, 10.04.2026, 11:00 Museum Tinguely, 4002 Basel, CH Infomation
Nature Never Loses ${singleEventLocation} Tickets Nature Never Loses Saturday, 11.04.2026, 11:00 Museum Tinguely, 4002 Basel, CH Infomation
Nature Never Loses ${singleEventLocation} Tickets Nature Never Loses Sunday, 12.04.2026, 11:00 Museum Tinguely, 4002 Basel, CH Infomation
Nature Never Loses ${singleEventLocation} Tickets Nature Never Loses Tuesday, 14.04.2026, 11:00 Museum Tinguely, 4002 Basel, CH Infomation
Nature Never Loses ${singleEventLocation} Tickets Nature Never Loses Wednesday, 15.04.2026, 11:00 Museum Tinguely, 4002 Basel, CH Infomation
Nature Never Loses ${singleEventLocation} Tickets Nature Never Loses Thursday, 16.04.2026, 11:00 Museum Tinguely, 4002 Basel, CH Infomation
Nature Never Loses ${singleEventLocation} Tickets Nature Never Loses Friday, 17.04.2026, 11:00 Museum Tinguely, 4002 Basel, CH Infomation
Nature Never Loses ${singleEventLocation} Tickets Nature Never Loses Saturday, 18.04.2026, 11:00 Museum Tinguely, 4002 Basel, CH Infomation
Nature Never Loses ${singleEventLocation} Tickets Nature Never Loses Sunday, 19.04.2026, 11:00 Museum Tinguely, 4002 Basel, CH Infomation
Nature Never Loses ${singleEventLocation} Tickets Nature Never Loses Tuesday, 21.04.2026, 11:00 Museum Tinguely, 4002 Basel, CH Infomation
Nature Never Loses ${singleEventLocation} Tickets Nature Never Loses Wednesday, 22.04.2026, 11:00 Museum Tinguely, 4002 Basel, CH Infomation
Nature Never Loses ${singleEventLocation} Tickets Nature Never Loses Thursday, 23.04.2026, 11:00 Museum Tinguely, 4002 Basel, CH Infomation
Nature Never Loses ${singleEventLocation} Tickets Nature Never Loses Friday, 24.04.2026, 11:00 Museum Tinguely, 4002 Basel, CH Infomation
Nature Never Loses ${singleEventLocation} Tickets Nature Never Loses Saturday, 25.04.2026, 11:00 Museum Tinguely, 4002 Basel, CH Infomation
Nature Never Loses ${singleEventLocation} Tickets Nature Never Loses Sunday, 26.04.2026, 11:00 Museum Tinguely, 4002 Basel, CH Infomation
Nature Never Loses ${singleEventLocation} Tickets Nature Never Loses Tuesday, 28.04.2026, 11:00 Museum Tinguely, 4002 Basel, CH Infomation
Nature Never Loses ${singleEventLocation} Tickets Nature Never Loses Wednesday, 29.04.2026, 11:00 Museum Tinguely, 4002 Basel, CH Infomation
Nature Never Loses ${singleEventLocation} Tickets Nature Never Loses Thursday, 30.04.2026, 11:00 Museum Tinguely, 4002 Basel, CH Infomation
Nature Never Loses ${singleEventLocation} Tickets Nature Never Loses Friday, 01.05.2026, 11:00 Museum Tinguely, 4002 Basel, CH Infomation
Nature Never Loses ${singleEventLocation} Tickets Nature Never Loses Saturday, 02.05.2026, 11:00 Museum Tinguely, 4002 Basel, CH Infomation
Nature Never Loses ${singleEventLocation} Tickets Nature Never Loses Sunday, 03.05.2026, 11:00 Museum Tinguely, 4002 Basel, CH Infomation
Nature Never Loses ${singleEventLocation} Tickets Nature Never Loses Tuesday, 05.05.2026, 11:00 Museum Tinguely, 4002 Basel, CH Infomation
Nature Never Loses ${singleEventLocation} Tickets Nature Never Loses Wednesday, 06.05.2026, 11:00 Museum Tinguely, 4002 Basel, CH Infomation
Nature Never Loses ${singleEventLocation} Tickets Nature Never Loses Thursday, 07.05.2026, 11:00 Museum Tinguely, 4002 Basel, CH Infomation
Nature Never Loses ${singleEventLocation} Tickets Nature Never Loses Friday, 08.05.2026, 11:00 Museum Tinguely, 4002 Basel, CH Infomation
Nature Never Loses ${singleEventLocation} Tickets Nature Never Loses Saturday, 09.05.2026, 11:00 Museum Tinguely, 4002 Basel, CH Infomation
Nature Never Loses ${singleEventLocation} Tickets Nature Never Loses Sunday, 10.05.2026, 11:00 Museum Tinguely, 4002 Basel, CH Infomation