


Big Picture: The Sound of Ideology with Ting-Jung Chen

Big Picture: The Sound of Ideology with Ting-Jung Chen Karl der Grosse, Kirchgasse 14, 8001 Zurich Billets
Karl der Grosse, Zurich (CH)
In cooperation with Asia Society Switzerland and Bergos ​​The works of Taiwanese artist Ting-Jung Chen revolve around the relation between sound and control. She samples and rearranges recordings of political speeches and alters the composition and text of songs used as sonic warfare by the Taiwanese against China during the 1970s-1990s, building large sound installations with them. Her art practice explores sound, its tonality, and how it affects people and their (political) emotions, reflecting on collective memory and identity. She re-tells stories of the evocative power of sound in the socio-political tension between different ideological groups. This event is followed by an apéro and will be held in English. Tickets: CHF 30.00 / reduced CHF 15.00
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Karl der Grosse, Kirchgasse 14, Zurich, CH

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