


Breathe & Restore / Sunday Session

Breathe & Restore / Sunday Session Wird noch angekündigt Billets

Credits: Nina Notter

Wird noch angekündigt

Perfect Sunday Morning Reset

Join us for a rejuvenating 90-minute session designed to help you relax, ground yourself, and let go of the past week’s stresses. Experience the ultimate reset to end your week.

**Session Highlights:**

- **Arrival and Settle In:** Take a few moments to get comfortable in the space.
- **Slow Breathing Techniques:** Begin with calming breathing exercises to center your mind.
- **Light Stretching:** Gentle stretches to prepare your body for deeper relaxation.
- **TRE (Trauma Release Exercises):** Specialized exercises to release deep-seated tension.
- **30-Minute Intense Breathing:** A focused breathing session to invigorate and cleanse.
- **Closure and Completion:** Conclude with a peaceful wind-down, leaving you refreshed and ready for the week ahead.

excited to see you

love Nina

L'événement est terminé


Nina Notter


La vente de billets en ligne est terminée le 30.06.2024 12:30.


CHF 55.00

Les prix incluent la TVA

Total: XX.XX CHF

La vente de billets en ligne a été interrompue.
Contacter l'organisateur

Total: XX.XX CHF



Wird noch angekündigt


Breathe & Restore / Sunday Session est organisé par:

Nina Notter