

23.4. - 24.4.

Pessach: 2nd Pesah Seder for students / young professional

Pessach: 2nd Pesah Seder for students / young professional Wird noch angekündigt Billets
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🌟 You're Invited to Celebrate Pessach with Us! 🌟

Calling all students and young professionals!

Join us for an unforgettable Pessah celebration in a warm and welcoming atmosphere! Here are just a few highlights of what you can expect:

🍽️ Gourmet Kosher Le Pessa'h Dinner: Indulge in a delicious feast prepared specially for the occasion, with traditional Pessa'h dishes prepared by the local restaurant.

📚 Multiple Shiurim: Engage your mind with insightful shiurim (lectures) on various topics related to Pessa'h, led by Chaim Guggenheim

🍷 Plenty of Wine: Raise a glass (or two!) as we toast to the holiday with a selection of fine kosher wines.

🕵️‍♂️ Special Afikomen Hunt: Embark on an exciting afikomen hunt through the whole house!

Don't miss out on this opportunity to celebrate Pessa'hin a familiar setting with friends old and new. RSVP now to reserve your spot! No one should be staying at home due to financial reasons, please contact us in this case.

We look forward to celebrating with you!

L'événement est terminé


Verein Jüdischer Studenten


La vente de billets en ligne est terminée le 10.04.2024 23:59.

Students Community Members ICZ

CHF 25.00

Students Community Members ICZ, Vegetarisch (Lachs)

CHF 25.00

Students Community Members ICZ, Vegan

CHF 25.00

Students Non-Community Members ICZ

CHF 35.00

Students Non-Community Members ICZ, Vegetarisch (Lachs)

CHF 35.00

Students Non-Community Members ICZ, Vegan

CHF 35.00

Young Professionals Community Members ICZ

CHF 40.00

Young Professionals Community Members ICZ, Vegetarisch (Lachs)

CHF 40.00

Young Professionals Community Members ICZ, Vegan

CHF 40.00

Young Professionals Non-Community Members ICZ

CHF 50.00

Young Professionals Non-Community Members ICZ, Vegetarisch (Lachs)

CHF 50.00

Young Professionals Non-Community Members ICZ, Vegan

CHF 50.00

Les prix incluent la TVA

Total: XX.XX CHF

La vente de billets en ligne a été interrompue.
Contacter l'organisateur

Total: XX.XX CHF



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Pessach: 2nd Pesah Seder for students / young professional est organisé par:

Verein Jüdischer Studenten

Catégorie: Manger & boire