


Basking in Divine Mother's Love

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Basking in Divine Mother's Love Online-Event Billets

Credits: Nayeli Dalisay


The true healing and reconciliation of our divinity happens in the Heart - Womb Temple of the Divine which is accessed through our communion with our sacred Hearts. In this sacred space we shall come together and bask in the Divine Love of the Great Mother, remembering our true sovereign nature that instills the Peace that passeth all understanding in our bodies, hearts and minds. Humanity is praying for Peace and Unity on this planet. What can you and I do in order to be the change you wish to see in this world?

You can come just as you are and allow the Divine to bless you and all of us beyond our understanding.

With Love,

Nayeli Dalisay

The gathering will be hosted in English. Replay available. Receive more information here.

L'événement est terminé


Organisateur de Basking in Divine Mother's Love

Nayeli Dalisay


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Basking in Divine Mother's Love est organisé par:

Nayeli Dalisay