

14.3. - 15.3.

Technophilia Vol. 1

Technophilia Vol. 1 Kraftwerk, Selnaustrasse 25, 8001 Zürich Billets

Credits: Carla

Kraftwerk, Selnaustrasse 25, 8001 Zürich (CH)

We're putting the Techno in Zurich.

Technophilia focusses on euphoria-driving sound first and foremost. The event is promoted to a select audience, creating an environment where it‘s safe to unbuckle.

Let‘s dive in together!


𝄞 Line-up: emkah, Mymocea B2B S. High-Ends, Hart & Herzlich, erco, MartinWelzl

🎩 Dresscode: Black; dress lightly, it'll get hot
🚀 Doors open: 10pm
🚪 Doors close: 1am (be there before)


🎫 Tickets
Due to the space of the location, we have to limit the ticket number to 100 tickets. First come first serve.

Raver - Amazing to have you; you're making it possible and are co-creating the journey with us
Technophile - The little extra support for those who can; thank you for helping us finance this event 🖤


Technophilia is a non-profit project, co-created with Host & Sound and organised by the community for the community. Any financial surplus will be used for future events or donated to charity.

L'événement est en cours.


Erik Gloerfeld


La vente de billets en ligne est terminée le 14.03.2025 23:59.


27.00 CHF


37.00 CHF

Les prix incluent la TVA

Total: XX.XX CHF

La vente de billets en ligne a été interrompue.
Contacter l'organisateur

Total: XX.XX CHF



Kraftwerk, Selnaustrasse 25, Zürich, CH


Technophilia Vol. 1 est organisé par:

Erik Gloerfeld