


Invitation to the Selfloving Practice of Yin Yoga

Invitation to the Selfloving Practice of Yin Yoga GZ Riesbach, Seefeldstrasse 93, 8008 Zürich Billets

Credits: Flavia

GZ Riesbach, Zürich (CH)

This Class can be held in English & or German.

The term “YIN Yoga” comes from the Taoist tradition. While Yang relates to movement and creating heat in the body. Yin is about finding stillness and cooling the body. We live a rather active Yang oriented livestyle.     

In this YIN Yoga practice we allow ourselves to release deeply by softening into poses that focus on the chinese medicine meridians. By holding the poses longer than usual we reach the deep tissues and our fascia -> more mobility and strength.

You will feel balanced and grounded on a bodily & emotional level. This is a great way to start your weekend. All Levels are welcome.  There are props (Mats & Equipment) for you at the studio to use for this class.

Cancellation Policy: There are limited Spots, with your ticket you reserve your space. If you cannot participate, you can cancel 48h before class without any costs. Afterwards full amount is due (no reimbursements). You can also pay in Cash or Twint after Class.


Flavia Schweizer


La vente se termine le dimanche, 07.07.2024 19:00


CHF 30.00

Les prix incluent la TVA

Total: XX.XX CHF
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Tourisme de Rheinfelden

TourismusRegion Baden

Total: XX.XX CHF

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GZ Riesbach, Seefeldstrasse 93, Zürich, CH


Invitation to the Selfloving Practice of Yin Yoga est organisé par:

Flavia Schweizer