


Cacao Connection

Cacao Connection Soul City, Dienerstrasse 10, 8004 Zürich Tickets

Credits: Juan Manuel

Soul City, Zürich (CH)


Ceremonial Cacao Making & Sacred Space Creation workshop

With Juan Manuel

Learning the Art of making Ceremonial Cacao & creating Sacred Space

Explore and learn how to prepare, connect and work with Cacao, and integrate elements of Ceremony, Sacred Space & Medicine Music as allies for living a life of harmony, alignment, connection and beauty.

Cacao Connection will give you the keys to initiate or deepen your relationship with the powerful Cacao Medicine and the magic of Sacred & Ceremonial spaces.

In a practical and easy to apply way, you’ll learn and discover how to start or further develop your relationship with Cacao, and ways to bring more of the Sacred into your life, inspiring your journey of connecting with Cacao, Spirit & Earth, your own Heart, and share the gifts with others!

I'll be sharing what I have cultivated along the way working with Cacao, being in, creating and facilitating Ceremonies of all kinds, learning from different traditions that inspired me along the way and following Mother Earth's call.

This workshop is suitable both for beginners or advanced explorers. It is a great starting point if you want to take your first steps in this world, as well as a place for you to enrich, nourish and expand your


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Ceremonial Cacao Making & Sacred Space Creation workshop

With Juan Manuel

Learning the Art of making Ceremonial Cacao & creating Sacred Space

Explore and learn how to prepare, connect and work with Cacao, and integrate elements of Ceremony, Sacred Space & Medicine Music as allies for living a life of harmony, alignment, connection and beauty.

Cacao Connection will give you the keys to initiate or deepen your relationship with the powerful Cacao Medicine and the magic of Sacred & Ceremonial spaces.

In a practical and easy to apply way, you’ll learn and discover how to start or further develop your relationship with Cacao, and ways to bring more of the Sacred into your life, inspiring your journey of connecting with Cacao, Spirit & Earth, your own Heart, and share the gifts with others!

I'll be sharing what I have cultivated along the way working with Cacao, being in, creating and facilitating Ceremonies of all kinds, learning from different traditions that inspired me along the way and following Mother Earth's call.

This workshop is suitable both for beginners or advanced explorers. It is a great starting point if you want to take your first steps in this world, as well as a place for you to enrich, nourish and expand your resources if you are already experienced in working with Cacao & Ceremonial spaces.

We’ll explore:

  • Opening and developing your relationship with Cacao
  • Easy-to-use practices to connect and work with Cacao as an ally
  • Origins and traditional use of Cacao
  • How to prepare Cacao in a ceremonial manner
  • Recipes, techniques and approaches for making ceremonial Cacao
  • Fundamentals of Sacred Space & Ceremony
  • Discover and cultivate our own sense of Sacredness and how to integrate it into our lives.
  • How to create Ceremonial space for your personal practice
  • Supportive practices to develop your connection with Cacao, Spirit, Earth and your Heart
  • Cacao and Ceremony Songs & prayers
  • A special Cacao Ceremony to ground the learning and bless our journeys ahead!

You’ll take with you for life:

  • An easy-to-use Cacao Connection guide & video practice
  • Recipe ideas for making Ceremonial Cacao
  • The felt sense experience of connecting with Cacao in a Ceremonial & Intentional way
  • Cacao activation songs and prayers
  • Practices, worksheets and resources to help you create your Ceremonial Spaces

This workshop is held in a Ceremonial Way to ensure the best learning experience for everyone.

I look forward to meet you in this Sacred space!

Note! please note that this workshop is not a Cacao or Ceremony facilitator training, however it will inspire your practice if you’re already a facilitator, and show you growth edges that you can explore to expand and develop in the direction of facilitation and space holding or in what you are already doing.


Juan is a Ceremonialist, Facilitator and Medicine Musician, passionate about creating spaces for people to experience positive transformation, embodied change, feel at home in their bodies and reconnect with Mother Earth.

He brings together 13+ years of experience in the fields of self-development, wellness and holistic healing & living, including: Ceremony, Ritual & Prayer, Medicine Music, Plant medicine, Yoga, Relationships & intimacy, Sacred Sexuality, Trauma-informed approaches to healing, Biodanza, Permaculture, Community building and Entrepreneurship; integrating ancient and modern approaches for well-being and living from different cultures and teachers that inspired him and the wisdom from his own Life initiations and journeys.

He’s been regularly curating and facilitating Cacao & Sacred Fire Ceremonies and different Sacred spaces bringing together people from all walks of life for special moments such as: Solstices, Equinoxes, Full & New Moon and also holding them for private events, Ceremonial concerts, family events, important moments in life, retreats and trainings to support specific intentions, visions and prayers for each particular occasion.

He strives to create sacred spaces grounded in the Spirit of devotion to Mother Earth, gratitude, joy and appreciation for Life, that welcome and inspire positive transformation, integrative healing, embodied change, remembrance and reconnection with Earth, our hearts and authentic expression.

His wish and intention are that these spaces support us come back home within and celebrate the gift life is and come out ready and inspired to embody more of who we are and share the blessings and insights with the world, walking in right relation, Gratitude, appreciation and Celebration of Life.



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Veranstalter:in von Cacao Connection

Purnama Music Medicine


Online-Verkauf endet am Samstag, 10.08.2024 16:00


CHF 140.00


Early Bird

bis 08.08.

CHF 120.00 CHF 140.00

Early Bird

Early Bird

bis 01.08.

CHF 110.00 CHF 140.00

Super Early Bird!

Nur noch 4 Tickets verfügbar
CHF 100.00

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Soul City, Dienerstrasse 10, Zürich, CH


Cacao Connection wird organisiert durch:

Purnama Music Medicine