


Acting Workshop English Edition

Acting Workshop English Edition Forum (Quartierraum Hardau), Bullingerstrasse 63, 8004 Zürich Tickets

Credits: Jessica Matzig

Forum (Quartierraum Hardau), Zürich (CH)

“That’s what our work can do: We remind people that things can change, that wounds can heal, that people can be forgiven and that closed hearts can open again” - Larry Moss

Psychology and acting are inextricably linked. No actor (often very sensitive people with more or less emotional baggage) can avoid dealing with their own demons and emotional traumas.

Everything we experience, especially in the early years of our lives, has a formative and profound effect on the rest of our lives.

The goal of any great performer is to become aware of and process their "baggage" so that they can transform into other characters without being held back by it.

Join this Acting & Creativity Workshop and embark on an exciting exploration of the self.

I believe in the power of theatre.

Nothing is more cathartic than play.

We try things out, release blockages, test boundaries, move, play, laugh, feel. Movement, voice, emotions, listening, reacting, physicality, everything has its place.

Everything can, nothing has to.

All in a safe and supportive environment.




23rd of June

14-18 Uhr

Raum Forum (Bullingerstrasse 63)

8004 Zürich


CHF 120

Beginners - Advanced


Jessica Matzig is an actor/director, acting coach and


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“That’s what our work can do: We remind people that things can change, that wounds can heal, that people can be forgiven and that closed hearts can open again” - Larry Moss

Psychology and acting are inextricably linked. No actor (often very sensitive people with more or less emotional baggage) can avoid dealing with their own demons and emotional traumas.

Everything we experience, especially in the early years of our lives, has a formative and profound effect on the rest of our lives.

The goal of any great performer is to become aware of and process their "baggage" so that they can transform into other characters without being held back by it.

Join this Acting & Creativity Workshop and embark on an exciting exploration of the self.

I believe in the power of theatre.

Nothing is more cathartic than play.

We try things out, release blockages, test boundaries, move, play, laugh, feel. Movement, voice, emotions, listening, reacting, physicality, everything has its place.

Everything can, nothing has to.

All in a safe and supportive environment.




23rd of June

14-18 Uhr

Raum Forum (Bullingerstrasse 63)

8004 Zürich


CHF 120

Beginners - Advanced


Jessica Matzig is an actor/director, acting coach and Clinical Psychologist from Zurich, Switzerland. She studied Psychology at the University of Zurich and drama at the renowned Giles Foreman Centre for Acting in London.

Her body of work spans from countless theatre productions to commercials, TV series, features and Netflix productions.

In 2023 she was awarded the “up and coming talent sponsorship award” of the Cultural Foundation in St.Gallen, Switzerland.


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Jessica Matzig


Der Online-Ticketverkauf ist seit dem 23.06.2024 18:00 beendet.


CHF 120.00

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Forum (Quartierraum Hardau), Bullingerstrasse 63, Zürich, CH


Acting Workshop English Edition wird organisiert durch:

Jessica Matzig