What are the all-in-one service costs?


The all-in-one service costs include all fees for the use of the platform and payment processing. They depend on the selected event model and the type of payment processing. Event organisers in the Pro package can also choose whether to bear the service costs themselves or pass them on to ticket buyers.

All-in-one service costs

For online payments via Eventfrog:

With online payment via Eventfrog, you offer your ticket buyers not only a simple but also a secure payment method.

Event package
service costs Free of charge
(We even cover the transaction costs of external payment services for you)
1.9% of the ticket price + CHF 0.49 per ticket Free of charge for event organisers when transferred to ticket purchasers (otherwise 3.9% of the ticket price + CHF 0.69 per ticket)


For own payment processing

Our own payment processing includes exclusively advance booking, payment on site at the box office or evening box office, advance sales via our own advance booking offices and the issue of free tickets.

Event package
service costs Free of charge for all CHF 0.49 per ticket CHF 0.69 per ticket

Package costs will also be charged for cancelled tickets. All prices listed are in CHF and exclude VAT.

What does own payment processing mean?

The following payment methods fall under our own payment processing:

  • Prepayment

    Payment on site (box office and evening box office)

    Advance sale via own ticket agencies

    Free tickets

How much will ticket sales cost me?

The costs depend on three factors:

  1. Which model you choose for your event.
  2. Whether you use online payments via Eventfrog.
  3. Whether you pass on the service costs to ticket buyers or bear them yourself.

How much do ticket buyers pay when purchasing tickets via Eventfrog?

Ticket buyers pay the ticket price. If you wish to pass on the service costs to them, these will be added to the ticket price and shown as a transparent total price.