


Viva Pachamama! Mother Earth Day Cacao Ceremony

Viva Pachamama! Mother Earth Day Cacao Ceremony Soul City, Dienerstrasse 10, 8004 Zürich Billets

Credits: Purnama

Soul City, Zürich (CH)

Mother Earth celebration Cacao Ceremony with Juan & Purnama
Friday 2. August • 7pm to 9:30pm • Soul City Zurich

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Come and join us for an evening of Ceremony in the Spirit of Gratitude, community, Pachamama love, alegria and celebration of life!

In the Andean tradition, this day is of remarkable importance in the dance between our Beloved Mother Earth (Pachamama) and the Sun (Taita Inti). It’s a time of celebration and gratitude for all we have, a good time to ask for support for our intentions, visions, dreams and seeds to come to full fruition in the most beautiful way and their fruits to be for everyone’s enjoyment and benefit.

To honor and receive the most of this special occasion, we invite you to gather in Ceremony in a one-of-a-kind space & constellation of beings to celebrate all we have, give thanks for life and receive the blessings of Mother Earth & the medicine of community.

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Supported by Cacao medicina opening and connecting our hearts, a Sacred Ceremonial space infused with medicine music, and weaving wisdom from different traditions & earth keepers from around the world, all is set for us to cruise in the most beautiful way celebrating life to the fullest!

This Ceremony is an opportunity to reconnect


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Mother Earth celebration Cacao Ceremony with Juan & Purnama
Friday 2. August • 7pm to 9:30pm • Soul City Zurich

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Come and join us for an evening of Ceremony in the Spirit of Gratitude, community, Pachamama love, alegria and celebration of life!

In the Andean tradition, this day is of remarkable importance in the dance between our Beloved Mother Earth (Pachamama) and the Sun (Taita Inti). It’s a time of celebration and gratitude for all we have, a good time to ask for support for our intentions, visions, dreams and seeds to come to full fruition in the most beautiful way and their fruits to be for everyone’s enjoyment and benefit.

To honor and receive the most of this special occasion, we invite you to gather in Ceremony in a one-of-a-kind space & constellation of beings to celebrate all we have, give thanks for life and receive the blessings of Mother Earth & the medicine of community.

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Supported by Cacao medicina opening and connecting our hearts, a Sacred Ceremonial space infused with medicine music, and weaving wisdom from different traditions & earth keepers from around the world, all is set for us to cruise in the most beautiful way celebrating life to the fullest!

This Ceremony is an opportunity to reconnect with Mother Earth, to connect deeper with our Hearts, give thanks for all we have, send prayers for global well-being & living, remember who we are, and be inspired to share our gifts with the world.

Bring your magic, voice, presence & uniqueness for a delightful journey on this special day.

We’re excited and grateful to share this with you!


Amazing Cacao Medicina from Bali • Medicine & Devotional Music from around the world • Community & Meaningful Connection • Invitations to make offerings for Mother Earth • The magic of this unique moment!

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Juan and Purnama are dedicated to create soulful ceremonies that bridge ancient traditions and diverse lineages of Earth Keepers.

From Juan’s connection to his South American heritage and Purnama’s Balinese roots, woven with the traditions & lineages that inspired their journeys, medicine music, prayers and offerings, the spaces they create are a celebration of life & appreciation of all the colors of our Earth.

Juan is a ceremonialist, facilitator and medicine musician with Argentinian roots, passionate about creating spaces for people to experience positive transformation, embodied change and reconnection with Mother Earth. He brings together +13 years of experience in the fields of wellness, holistic healing, alternative lifestyles and the learnings from his life journey and initiations. | @jm_livetothefullest

Purnama is a Balinese-Swiss devotional singer, songwriter and ceremonialist who received a rich spiritual heritage through her ancestry. Her life's passion is to unite and empower people through the universal language of music, and cultivating sacred spaces that serve as sanctuaries for authentic expression, liberating voices and hearts alike. |

Listen to their music online here.

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•            Timeliness

Ceremony starts at 7pm. In honoring of the space, be on time. We appreciate you arriving a bit earlier for an easeful and swift registration & entrance and enjoying a moment of grounding before we begin.

•            What to bring

In the Spirit or Sacred Reciprocity, we invite you to bring a piece of your favorite fruit or flower to offer to the Altar. You can take it after with you super blessed up!

•            Pictures & Phone use

This ceremonial container is fueled by our full presence. We request putting your phone aside during the ceremony and take it as a time off from devices.

We are excited to see you soon!

Much love,
Juan & Purnama


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Organisateur de Viva Pachamama! Mother Earth Day Cacao Ceremony

Purnama Music Medicine


La vente se termine le vendredi, 02.08.2024 21:30

Viva Pachamama! Early Bird

CHF 50.00

Viva Pachamama! Early Bird, Reduced (for students, AHV/IV)

Plus que 1 Ticket disponibles
CHF 40.00

Viva Pachamama! Regular

CHF 60.00

Viva Pachamama! Regular, Reduced (for students, AHV/IV)

CHF 50.00

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Soul City, Dienerstrasse 10, Zürich, CH


Viva Pachamama! Mother Earth Day Cacao Ceremony est organisé par:

Purnama Music Medicine