


Connect & co-create: personal leadership for business owners

Connect & co-create: personal leadership for business owners Cafe Rumi, Weinbergstrasse 1, 8802 Kilchberg Billets

Credits: Judith Dijkstra

Cafe Rumi, Kilchberg (CH)

Why join?
Sometimes you need the space to talk about your topic. Have people really listening to you. Profit from different perspectives, search for the important questions, gain new insights from people with similar experiences like yours.

The ‘connect & co-create’ sessions are designed to bring like-minded people together and connect you with your inner strength. This safe space invites you to listen to others, express yourself, share and learn from each other. Often a solution lies in a new perspective rather than a different environment…

How does it work?
You are invited to bring your own topic. There is no fix agenda, rather two steps that we usually go through as a process. First, the open space allows us to connect and share what it there in that moment. After that we will take what arises in a co-creational setting. We work in small groups to maintain the safe space.  

Connect with other Business owners, Starters and Freelancers. Exchange on building and leading businesses and your own personal leadership involved.

Other details
Where: Cafe Rumi, Weinbergstrasse 1 8802 Kilchberg (ZH)
We recommend travelling by public transport, as parking spaces are limited.

When: Wednesdays 8th May, 29th May, 19th Jun 2024 (you can attend single events as well)


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Why join?
Sometimes you need the space to talk about your topic. Have people really listening to you. Profit from different perspectives, search for the important questions, gain new insights from people with similar experiences like yours.

The ‘connect & co-create’ sessions are designed to bring like-minded people together and connect you with your inner strength. This safe space invites you to listen to others, express yourself, share and learn from each other. Often a solution lies in a new perspective rather than a different environment…

How does it work?
You are invited to bring your own topic. There is no fix agenda, rather two steps that we usually go through as a process. First, the open space allows us to connect and share what it there in that moment. After that we will take what arises in a co-creational setting. We work in small groups to maintain the safe space.  

Connect with other Business owners, Starters and Freelancers. Exchange on building and leading businesses and your own personal leadership involved.

Other details
Where: Cafe Rumi, Weinbergstrasse 1 8802 Kilchberg (ZH)
We recommend travelling by public transport, as parking spaces are limited.

When: Wednesdays 8th May, 29th May, 19th Jun 2024 (you can attend single events as well)
Start: 18.15 - ca. 20.00 hrs. working. Door opens at 18 hrs.

Price: 111 CHF

What to bring?
Most important, bring your open attitude. Smiles are always welcome. Please leave your judgmental behavior at the door. Come as you are. Make sure you are comfortable. Optionally, you may want to bring a water bottle and some paper to write down your learnings.

Your host
Judith Dijkstra, founder CoEssence GmbH
Passionate connector
20+ years in international leadership roles and change management  profile
Business- and family constellations, hypnosetherapy, coaching walk & talk

Jenni and her team run the inspiring Rumi Cafe in Kilchberg


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L'événement commence dans
6 jours
8 hrs
53 min
29 sec


Organisateur de Connect & co-create: personal leadership for business owners

CoEssence GmbH


La vente se termine le mercredi, 29.05.2024 20:00


CHF 111.00

Les prix incluent la TVA

Total: XX.XX CHF
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Aucun de ces modes de paiement ?

Les billets sont également disponibles dans nos Points de vente.

Points de vente de billets

Vous trouverez des billets pour cet événement dans les points de vente suivants :

La Poste Suisse



Tourisme de Rheinfelden

TourismusRegion Baden

Total: XX.XX CHF

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Veuillez d'abord sélectionner les billets d'une catégorie donnée
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Cafe Rumi, Weinbergstrasse 1, Kilchberg, CH

Liens vers l'événement


Connect & co-create: personal leadership for business owners est organisé par:

CoEssence GmbH