Event-Image for 'Seminartag 1: „Fast schmilzt ihr Herz bei diesen Klängen!“ L'
Event-Image for 'Spirituality & Leadership: Within & Beyond'
Event-Image for 'Sensual Medicine Dance'
Event-Image for 'Workshop: Booking & Konzertakquise – Nick Werren'
Event-Image for 'Kochen mit Claudio Del Principe'
Event group
Event-Image for '2 Tonnes Workshop Basel'
Sold out
Event-Image for 'Kinderworkshop zum Thema «Voll gemütlich!»'
Event-Image for 'Go Circular in Life Science - Annual Event'
Sold out
Event-Image for 'PLUS Incubator Demo Day'
Few tickets
Event-Image for 'Virtual Reality Art Workshop'
Few tickets
Event-Image for 'Seminartag 2, Männer spielen die Flöte – Frauen singen Musik'
Event-Image for 'Cartoonsonntag  «Let’s meme»'
Event group
Event-Image for 'Wild Wines Night - Neues Jahr - Zeit für Naturwein!'
Event-Image for 'Dawn Raids: Recent Trends in CH and the EU'
Event-Image for 'DJ Workshop - Bredella Village Pratteln'
Event-Image for 'Info Abend zum Dipl. Psychosynthese Coach SCA'
Event group
Event-Image for 'After-Work-Drawing. Zeichnen in der Sammlung'
Event-Image for 'Basel Intensive with Rukmini Vijayakumar'
Event-Image for 'Wild Wines Night - It's Orange O'clock'
Event-Image for 'Wild Wines Night - Riesling und Chardonnay'
Event-Image for 'Seminartag 3: Wie die Geige auf die Welt kam'
Event-Image for 'Wild Wines Night - PIWI Weine'
Event-Image for 'Seminartag 4. Ich spiele die Laute und du schlägst die Pauke'
Event-Image for 'Wild Wines Night - Rosé all day'
Event-Image for 'Heart of Touch: A Relational Presence Touch Training'

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