


Wisdom of the Earth: Temazcal Ceremony

Wisdom of the Earth: Temazcal Ceremony Stadtoase Zürich, Tobelhofstrasse 21, 8044 Zürich Tickets

Credits: Healing Sounds Zurich

Stadtoase Zürich, Zürich (CH)

🌿Wisdom of the Earth: Temazcal Ceremony

Saturday, 28th of September, 16:00 - 19:00 at Stadtoase Zurich

Join us for a transformative ceremony, where you will embark on a profound journey of reconnection with your inner strength and the natural world around you. Surrounded by nature, this afternoon offers a nourishing escape in the heart of Zurich🌳

The temazcal ceremony is a powerful Native American sweat lodge tradition. Led by Mauro Inti, who has over 20 years of experience guiding this sacred ritual, that provides a space for profound purification. The sweat lodge, representing the womb of Mother Earth, invites you to release physical toxins, let go of emotional tensions, and experience a spiritual rebirth. 

🔥What You Can Experience:

- Earth Rituals & Prayers to the Fire: Connect deeply with yourself, the earth, and the wisdom of your ancestors through sacred rituals and fire prayers.
- Community: Share this journey with like-minded souls, creating heart connections and experiencing the healing power of community.
- Connection to Nature: Ground yourself in the healing energy of nature, finding clarity and peace.
- Medicine Music: Mauro, Martina and Olivia will hold space with prayers, medicine songs, and tools to help you integrate your


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🌿Wisdom of the Earth: Temazcal Ceremony

Saturday, 28th of September, 16:00 - 19:00 at Stadtoase Zurich

Join us for a transformative ceremony, where you will embark on a profound journey of reconnection with your inner strength and the natural world around you. Surrounded by nature, this afternoon offers a nourishing escape in the heart of Zurich🌳

The temazcal ceremony is a powerful Native American sweat lodge tradition. Led by Mauro Inti, who has over 20 years of experience guiding this sacred ritual, that provides a space for profound purification. The sweat lodge, representing the womb of Mother Earth, invites you to release physical toxins, let go of emotional tensions, and experience a spiritual rebirth. 

🔥What You Can Experience:

- Earth Rituals & Prayers to the Fire: Connect deeply with yourself, the earth, and the wisdom of your ancestors through sacred rituals and fire prayers.
- Community: Share this journey with like-minded souls, creating heart connections and experiencing the healing power of community.
- Connection to Nature: Ground yourself in the healing energy of nature, finding clarity and peace.
- Medicine Music: Mauro, Martina and Olivia will hold space with prayers, medicine songs, and tools to help you integrate your experience around the sacred fire.

Leave this ceremony feeling grounded, revitalized, and deeply connected to yourself and the earth. 🍂💛

We cannot wait to be in ceremony with you!

From our hearts to yours, 

Martina Christina, Olivia Tama & Mauro Inti

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Event organiser

Tama & Inti


Sale ends on Saturday, 28.09.2024 10:00

Early Bird

Only 3 Tickets available
CHF 85.00


CHF 95.00

Bring a friend

Only 4 Tickets available
CHF 170.00

Prices incl. taxes

Total: XX.XX CHF
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Box offices

Tickets for this event can be found at the following box offices:



Tourism Rheinfelden

TourismusRegion Baden

Total: XX.XX CHF

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Stadtoase Zürich, Tobelhofstrasse 21, Zürich, CH

Event links

Event organiser

Wisdom of the Earth: Temazcal Ceremony is organised by:

Tama & Inti