


Cacao Ceremony - Connecting with Hermetic Principles

Cacao Ceremony - Connecting with Hermetic Principles In Zürich Billets

Credits: Alejandro Quiros

In Zürich

Alejandro Quiros has 15 years experience in Shamanism including reike, pranic healing and raising of consciousness. Some of his teachings come from the roots of the Americas as he is originally from Costa Rica.

This ritual offers the opportunity to raise our consciousness and vibrational frequencies through observing our thoughts, words and actions. Cacao represents the blood of our lineage, the understanding of who we really are.

A time to break the illusions and heal by observing our shadows in order to become more luminous. Cacao brings spiritual and physical strength to overcome apparent difficulties. It brings luminosity in our perception of understanding the hidden order behind the chaos. We connect to the intentions that we want to work in the ceremony.

During this process other elements employing sound, frequency and vibration like icaros, flutes or drums may be shared as part of the ritual. These icaros, or chants, come directly from dietas of plants and are the seeds that are planted in our unconscious. We start to have a relation with that plant—with the ascended master, with the universe, or the divine of that plant—and the plant starts to teach us through a dieta. The ceremony will go deep into our unconscious guided by icaros.

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Alejandro Quiros has 15 years experience in Shamanism including reike, pranic healing and raising of consciousness. Some of his teachings come from the roots of the Americas as he is originally from Costa Rica.

This ritual offers the opportunity to raise our consciousness and vibrational frequencies through observing our thoughts, words and actions. Cacao represents the blood of our lineage, the understanding of who we really are.

A time to break the illusions and heal by observing our shadows in order to become more luminous. Cacao brings spiritual and physical strength to overcome apparent difficulties. It brings luminosity in our perception of understanding the hidden order behind the chaos. We connect to the intentions that we want to work in the ceremony.

During this process other elements employing sound, frequency and vibration like icaros, flutes or drums may be shared as part of the ritual. These icaros, or chants, come directly from dietas of plants and are the seeds that are planted in our unconscious. We start to have a relation with that plant—with the ascended master, with the universe, or the divine of that plant—and the plant starts to teach us through a dieta. The ceremony will go deep into our unconscious guided by icaros.

Please refrain from sugars, alcohol, meat, dairy and any substances that alter consciousness for a minimum of 3 days, preferably 9 days, prior to any of the ceremonies.


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Organisateur de Cacao Ceremony - Connecting with Hermetic Principles

Leticia Seidl


La vente se termine le dimanche, 29.09.2024 16:00


CHF 60.00


Plus que 5 Tickets disponibles
CHF 70.00


Plus que 5 Tickets disponibles
CHF 80.00

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Tourisme de Rheinfelden

TourismusRegion Baden

Total: XX.XX CHF

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In Zürich


Cacao Ceremony - Connecting with Hermetic Principles est organisé par:

Leticia Seidl