


Full Moon Cacao & Breathwork Ceremony

Full Moon Cacao & Breathwork Ceremony Soul City, Dienerstrasse 10, 8004 Zürich Billets

Credits: Miro Komarek

Soul City, Zürich (CH)


Under the full moon, tune and set your intentions, release stress, find clarity, and experience deep relaxation. Transform your life through the power of your breath.

Benefits of conscious connected breathing

  • Stress Reduction: Achieve immediate stress relief and effortlessly navigate through life's stressors

  • Emotional Release and liberation: Lighten emotional burdens, aiding in the healing of emotional traumas and contributing to stability

  • Mental Clarity: Dispel mental fog for sharper thinking and concentration, boost cognitive function

  • Improved Physical Health Regular breathwork can improve respiratory function, maintain oxygen management to the body, and support detoxification processes

  • Deep Relaxation: Immerse yourself in profound peace and relaxation, reconnecting with your inner calm.

  • Unlock your potential: Explore the depths of your inner self in a safe space, unlocking new possibilities

  • Inner Connection: Fortify self-awareness and intuition, deepening your connection with your true essence

  • Improved Sleep: Find deeper, more rejuvenating sleep

  • Self-Healing Activation: Unleash your body’s own healing abilities, sparking deep restoration from within

L'événement est terminé


Organisateur de Full Moon Cacao & Breathwork Ceremony

Vitalvibe Schweiz GmbH


La vente de billets en ligne est terminée le 22.06.2024 21:30.

Choose your price - sliding scale

Plus que 4 Tickets disponibles
CHF 120.00

Choose your price - sliding scale

Plus que 3 Tickets disponibles
CHF 100.00

Choose your price - sliding scale

Plus que 2 Tickets disponibles
CHF 80.00

Les prix incluent la TVA

Total: XX.XX CHF

La vente de billets en ligne a été interrompue.
Contacter l'organisateur

Total: XX.XX CHF



Soul City, Dienerstrasse 10, Zürich, CH

Liens vers l'événement


Full Moon Cacao & Breathwork Ceremony est organisé par:

Vitalvibe Schweiz GmbH