Advance booking using event QR code and short URL

QR codes and short URLs are useful tools to boost your advance sales. You can print both on posters and other advertising materials to show potential visitors where they can buy tickets.

The QR code is easy to scan and takes you directly to your event, including ticket sales. The same applies to the short URL.


QR code for event details and online sales

Under "Short URL, Embed" you will find the QR code that leads to your event. The code is created automatically for every event. However, the event must be published for the QR code to work.

You can also find out more about the possible applications here: Via event QR code to advance booking and the box office

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What is a short URL and what are its advantages?

A short URL shortens a long, unwieldy URL. It is easier to remember and is better suited for marketing your event via flyers or advertising posters.

How do I create a short URL?

Creating a short URL at Eventfrog is straightforward. To do this, select the desired event or event group and go to the "Short URL, embed" section under "Event".

Enter the desired keyword directly after or It must have at least 6 characters.

This results in your short URL, which you can print on a flyer, for example.

If the desired URL is still available, you can see immediately afterwards that it is now stored. If the desired URL is already in use, an error message will appear.

In this case, you will unfortunately have to select a different short URL. We therefore recommend that you enter the desired short URL before ordering print materials.

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The event is only accessible via the short URL once it has been published. Accordingly, you can only test the short URL if you have already published the event.

How long can I use the short URL?

After the event has ended, the short URL is "released". This means that it will only lead to your event a few days after the event ends. So make sure that you take the short URL from your website if you have included it there.

Are there any restrictions when entering a short URL?

A short URL must not contain any spaces, special characters or umlauts. If a short URL has already been used, it cannot be used a second time.