


Karl Jenkins "The Armed Man: A Mass For Peace"

Karl Jenkins "The Armed Man: A Mass For Peace" Zughafen Halle 6, Zum Güterbahnhof 20, 99085 Erfurt Tickets

Credits: Stephan Arnold

Zughafen Halle 6, Erfurt (DE)

better-is-peace-Projektchor (PL,D)
Junge Kammerphilharmonie Thüringen & Gäste
CALMUS Ensemble Leipzig
Leitung: C. Cremer


Event organiser

Event organiser of Karl Jenkins "The Armed Man: A Mass For Peace"

Kirchenchorwerk der Ev. Landeskirche Mitteldeutschand


Sale ends on Friday, 18.04.2025 19:30


15.57 €
The price shown is the total amount to be paid (including taxes and service costs). Ticket price set by the organiser: € 15.

Normal, Studierende, FSJ, Schwerbeschädigte

10.45 €
The price shown is the total amount to be paid (including taxes and service costs). Ticket price set by the organiser: € 10.

Prices incl. taxes incl. transaction costs

Total: XX.XX
Please select tickets from a ticket category first
Please select tickets from a ticket category first
Please select tickets from a ticket category first

Total: XX.XX

Please select tickets from a ticket category first
Please select tickets from a ticket category first
Please select tickets from a ticket category first



Zughafen Halle 6, Zum Güterbahnhof 20, Erfurt, DE

Event organiser

Karl Jenkins "The Armed Man: A Mass For Peace" is organised by:

Kirchenchorwerk der Ev. Landeskirche Mitteldeutschand