


Dance & Play

Dance & Play Zürich Sihlquai 8005, Sihlquai 125, 8005 Zürich Tickets

Credits: alexandras_moves

Zürich Sihlquai 8005, Zürich (CH)

Want to try a different way to wash off energies and let go? Or maybe you're in the mood to be more spontaneous?
Join us for this workshop where we work on body expression, interpersonal interaction, spontaneity and shyness through dance and games.
Maybe we'll discover our inner dancer, child, or comic character!

Let's uncover together new tools that will make our lives lighter and more joyful.

Bring any comfy clothes that allow you to move, stretch and dance and also socks. We practice barefoot!

Energy exchange it's 5 CHF + any additional amount you'd like to contribute after the Workshop.

Register via this link

Any questions contact me on @alexandras_moves or via Whatsapp

See you on Sunday!

Event is over.

Event organiser

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Event organiser of Dance & Play

Alexandra Pascual Friedrich


Ticket sale online has ended since 22.09.2024 16:15.

I am ready to explore!

CHF 5.00

Prices incl. taxes

Total: XX.XX CHF

Ticket sale online has been paused.
Contact event organiser

Total: XX.XX CHF



Zürich Sihlquai 8005, Sihlquai 125, Zürich, CH

Event organiser

Dance & Play is organised by:

Alexandra Pascual Friedrich