


ELMQ Legacy Regional with Radio UNIMIX

ELMQ Legacy Regional with Radio UNIMIX Centre Fries, Rue Guillaume-Techtermann 8, 1700 Fribourg Tickets

Credits: Guillaume Berclaz

Centre Fries, Fribourg (CH)

Welcome to the Legacy Unimix !

Regional SUL event at the Party House of Fribourg, in collaboration with the university's radio, Unimix. 🎙️🔥

The tournament will have 6 rounds of intense legacy with a top 8 as well ! The place is opened from 9:30 on, registration opens at 10:00, first game starts at 10:20.

Food and drinks will be available for a fair price.

Prizepool from 35 players and more :

1) Volcanic Island EX/NM Revised + ELM Qualification 

2) Scrubland GD+ Revised

3/4) 1 Force of Will EX Alliances 

5/8) 1 Chalice of the Void EX Mirrodin + 1 Fatal Push Promo EX/NM

9/12) 2 Dragon's Rage Channeler Retro Foil

13/16) 1 Daze Nemesis EX/NM

Prizepool for less than 35 players :

1) Bayou GD+ Revised + ELM Qualification 

2) Playset Wasteland EX+ Tempest

3/4) 1 Force of Will EX Alliances 

5-8) 1 Chalice of the Void EX Mirrodin + 1 Fatal Push Promo EX/NM

9-12) 2 Dragon's Rage Channeler Retro Foil

To register and secure your place :

- Use this Compagnion Code : M7M5GW3

-  Buy the ticket on Eventfrog or Twint 30.- to this phone number, +41774873745 with the full name of the participant 

Brainstorm's Tombola :

A sealed Midnight Hunt Collector Booster Box and some Foundation Boosters can be won through a funny tombola. Any


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Welcome to the Legacy Unimix !

Regional SUL event at the Party House of Fribourg, in collaboration with the university's radio, Unimix. 🎙️🔥

The tournament will have 6 rounds of intense legacy with a top 8 as well ! The place is opened from 9:30 on, registration opens at 10:00, first game starts at 10:20.

Food and drinks will be available for a fair price.

Prizepool from 35 players and more :

1) Volcanic Island EX/NM Revised + ELM Qualification 

2) Scrubland GD+ Revised

3/4) 1 Force of Will EX Alliances 

5/8) 1 Chalice of the Void EX Mirrodin + 1 Fatal Push Promo EX/NM

9/12) 2 Dragon's Rage Channeler Retro Foil

13/16) 1 Daze Nemesis EX/NM

Prizepool for less than 35 players :

1) Bayou GD+ Revised + ELM Qualification 

2) Playset Wasteland EX+ Tempest

3/4) 1 Force of Will EX Alliances 

5-8) 1 Chalice of the Void EX Mirrodin + 1 Fatal Push Promo EX/NM

9-12) 2 Dragon's Rage Channeler Retro Foil

To register and secure your place :

- Use this Compagnion Code : M7M5GW3

-  Buy the ticket on Eventfrog or Twint 30.- to this phone number, +41774873745 with the full name of the participant 

Brainstorm's Tombola :

A sealed Midnight Hunt Collector Booster Box and some Foundation Boosters can be won through a funny tombola. Any Brainstorm cards of any condition and any language can be exchanged for a participation ticket in the tombola. If you want to participate, just take as many brainstorms as you want and slam them in the Tombola box ! 🥳

Proxies Guideline

You can use proxies if the deck is entirely made of color printed proxies of identical quality. Alternatively, you can include up to 6 proxy cards within a deck of regular cards by using basic lands or official substitute cards (double-faced helper cards) with the card name clearly written on them if you also bring along printed versions of those proxies. Don't hesitate to contact us for some missing cards to borrow or full decks as well !

European Legacy Masters Qualifier 

Winning this tournament will give you a qualification to the European Legacy Masters, more informations on their website !

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The event starts in
3 Days
5 h
6 min
5 s

Event organiser

Guillaume Vincent Berclaz


Sale ends on Saturday, 29.03.2025 10:00

SUL Regional entrance ticket

30.00 CHF

Prices incl. taxes

Total: XX.XX CHF
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Please select tickets from a ticket category first
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Tickets are also available at our Box offices.

Box offices

Tickets for this event can be found at the following box offices:


Liechtensteinische Post

Orell Füssli


Solothurn Tourismus

Tourism Rheinfelden

TourismusRegion Baden

Total: XX.XX CHF

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Please select tickets from a ticket category first
Please select tickets from a ticket category first



Centre Fries, Rue Guillaume-Techtermann 8, Fribourg, CH

Event organiser

ELMQ Legacy Regional with Radio UNIMIX is organised by:

Guillaume Vincent Berclaz

Category: Miscellaneous