


Global All Stars Viewing – Sep 1st – Tessa & Victoria b4TEA

Global All Stars Viewing – Sep 1st – Tessa & Victoria b4TEA SOHO ZURICH, Hardstrasse 260, 8005 Zürich Tickets

Credits: Tessa Testicle & Victoria Shakespears


This week we will have a short viewing before High Tea begins with Tessa and Victoria.

We will watch the episode and do a quick chat with Tessa and Victoria at the end but she will perform later during High TEA – given this we offer all viewing attendees free access to stay and attend High TEA in Soho Zurich.

Are you ready to see Tessa's rudemption on Global All Stars?

15:30            Doors open
16:00            Welcome from the girls & episode begins
After:            Drag Shows during TEA around 19:30

These events have always been about community building and we have a "no one turned away for a lack of funds" (NOTAFALOF) policy. If for any reason you cannot afford the entry price, please send an email to and we will discuss solutions with you.

The event starts in
0 Days
8 h
17 min
15 s

Event organiser

So Relevant GmbH


Sale ends on Sunday, 01.09.2024 18:30

Global All Stars - Sep 1st - entry (+free entry to High TEA)

CHF 15.00

Prices incl. taxes

Total: XX.XX CHF
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Please select tickets from a ticket category first
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Tickets are also available at our Box offices.

Box offices

Tickets for this event can be found at the following box offices:



Tourism Rheinfelden

TourismusRegion Baden

Total: XX.XX CHF

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Please select tickets from a ticket category first
Please select tickets from a ticket category first



SOHO ZURICH, Hardstrasse 260, Zürich, CH

Event organiser

Global All Stars Viewing – Sep 1st – Tessa & Victoria b4TEA is organised by:

So Relevant GmbH

Category: Party / LGBTIQ