


HC Prättigau-Herrschaft vs. EV Lindau Islanders

HC Prättigau-Herrschaft vs. EV Lindau Islanders Eishalle Grüsch, Eishalle, 7214 Grüsch Tickets

Credits: HC Prättigau-Herrschaft

Eishalle Grüsch, Grüsch (CH)

1. Liga Freundschaftsspiel 

HC Prättigau-Herrschaft vs. EV Lindau Islanders

The event starts in
3 Days
6 h
45 min
21 s

Event organiser

Event organiser of HC Prättigau-Herrschaft vs. EV Lindau Islanders

HC Prättigau-Herrschaft


Sale ends on Wednesday, 11.09.2024 23:00


CHF 10.00

Stehplatz, Jugendliche (bis 20 Jahre) / AHV, IV

CHF 5.00

Prices incl. taxes

Total: XX.XX CHF
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Please select tickets from a ticket category first
Please select tickets from a ticket category first
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Tickets are also available at our Box offices.

Box offices

Unfortunately, no advance box offices are activated

Unfortunately, the organizer has not activated any of our external advance box offices for this event. Contact the organizer to ask whether there is another way to get tickets.

Total: XX.XX CHF

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Please select tickets from a ticket category first
Please select tickets from a ticket category first



Eishalle Grüsch, Eishalle, Grüsch, CH

Event organiser

HC Prättigau-Herrschaft vs. EV Lindau Islanders is organised by:

HC Prättigau-Herrschaft