


Breathwork & Meditation Fundamentals Workshop with Alex Keil

Breathwork & Meditation Fundamentals Workshop with Alex Keil Niyama Yoga & Pilates, Falknerstrasse 35, 4001 Basel Tickets

Credits: Husma GmbH

Niyama Yoga & Pilates, Basel (CH)

Combining Breathwork and Meditation gives us a toolset to live a self-determined life.

Breathwork acts as a portal and door to our internal and external worlds. It gives you a chance to come back to your body, which holds us so dearly together and works non-stop so that we can exist here and now.

In this workshop, Alex Keil will teach you two fundamental meditation techniques and breathwork practices, which will help you reduce stress, increase focus, enhance self-awareness, improve emotional well-being, better sleep, and boost creativity and overall inner peace.

After registrating for the event, you will get a video recording of the fundamental theory part via mail. We will use the 2,5 -hours we have on site to meditate and do a 1-hour conscious connected breathwork session.

Structure of the evening
First, we practice two meditation techniques. These two techniques are the base for mastering mind and body.

Directly after we go into a 1-hour conscious connected breathwork.

We end the whole Session with a final meditation and sharing.

Save your spot here:


Alexander Keil


Total: XX.XX



Niyama Yoga & Pilates, Falknerstrasse 35, Basel, CH

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