


Hapéh Ceremony

Hapéh Ceremony Waidfussweg 36, Waidfussweg 36, 8037 Zürich Tickets

Credits: Vanessa Martinez

Waidfussweg 36, Zürich (CH)

Hapé is an ancient and profound indigenous ritual that originated in the Amazon region.
A fine powder consisting of various plant ashes and mapacho is blown into the nose through a small tube.This ritual is used for opening any kind of ceremonies, for healing, physical and spiritual cleansing, protection and centring. In this evening we create a sacred space to support you immersing yourself with the medicine of Hapé and Music.


Structure of the ceremony:

Welcome and introduction:

The ceremony begins with welcome and an introductory explanation of the Hapé medicine.
we will share information about the history, traditional use and meaning.


We encourage you to prepare yourself mentally, emotionally, and spiritually. There will be time to tune into your intention.


We will offer you up to three rounds of different Hapé blends. (according to your individual needs and state of being). Each round includes a unique blend that has specific healing properties.

Medicine Music:

During the ceremony, participants are accompanied by medicine music of traditional and other origin by our special guest Ivo Scatena.


the end, time is given for you to reflect and share your experience in a loving and supportive


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Hapé is an ancient and profound indigenous ritual that originated in the Amazon region.
A fine powder consisting of various plant ashes and mapacho is blown into the nose through a small tube.This ritual is used for opening any kind of ceremonies, for healing, physical and spiritual cleansing, protection and centring. In this evening we create a sacred space to support you immersing yourself with the medicine of Hapé and Music.


Structure of the ceremony:

Welcome and introduction:

The ceremony begins with welcome and an introductory explanation of the Hapé medicine.
we will share information about the history, traditional use and meaning.


We encourage you to prepare yourself mentally, emotionally, and spiritually. There will be time to tune into your intention.


We will offer you up to three rounds of different Hapé blends. (according to your individual needs and state of being). Each round includes a unique blend that has specific healing properties.

Medicine Music:

During the ceremony, participants are accompanied by medicine music of traditional and other origin by our special guest Ivo Scatena.


the end, time is given for you to reflect and share your experience in a loving and supportive container.


The ceremonies ended with some tea and snacks.



Vanessa, @munay_frequency
​​​​​​Sound journeys, Cacao ceremonies and Shamanic rituals


Lou, @lou_moleen

Woman of hearts

Ivo, @Ivis.kus

Musician, Poet, Teacher

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Event running

Event organiser

Event organiser of Hapéh Ceremony

Vanessa Martínez


Sale ends on Thursday, 27.06.2024 21:30


CHF 65.00


Only 5 Tickets available
CHF 75.00

Students, Legi

Only 5 Tickets available
CHF 55.00

Prices incl. taxes

Total: XX.XX CHF
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Tickets are also available at our Box offices.

Box offices

Tickets for this event can be found at the following box offices:

Swiss Post



Tourism Rheinfelden

TourismusRegion Baden

Total: XX.XX CHF

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Waidfussweg 36, Waidfussweg 36, Zürich, CH

Event organiser

Hapéh Ceremony is organised by:

Vanessa Martínez