


Integration Circle PROZ

Integration Circle PROZ Raum KOL-G-216, Rämistrasse 71, 8006 Zürich Tickets

Credits: Robin Grylka

Raum KOL-G-216, Zürich (CH)

For an Integration Circle, we meet in a small group and create a safe space for each other, in which we can share past (psychedelic) experiences. Wheter it was a difficult experience and there are still many open question, wheter there were very interesting insights or it was just a fun time, that wants to be shared, everything is fine. The point is in supporting each other and connecting with like minded people. Being able to share ones experiences and feeling seen doing it, is a big part of the integration process. 🌵
Some remarks:
* Not everybody needs to/can share. We will probably have time for 2-3 experiences, depending on the type of experiences of course.
* We create a safe space together. Vulnerable and personal information might be shared, that should be treated as such and stay within the circle.
* We are not Psychotherapist or anything, we just try to help and connect on a human level ☀️

The event starts in
5 Days
4 h
55 min
59 s

Event organiser

Robin Grylka


Registration ends on Thursday, 04.07.2024 20:00


CHF 0.00

Prices incl. taxes

Total: XX.XX CHF
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Total: XX.XX CHF

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Raum KOL-G-216, Rämistrasse 71, Zürich, CH

Event organiser

Integration Circle PROZ is organised by:

Robin Grylka